Memory foam mattresses have become increasingly popular due to their ability to provide superior comfort and support for an amazing night’s sleep. However, one common misconception is that memory foam mattresses do not require maintenance. In reality, regular cleaning and care are essential to ensure a clean and hygienic sleeping surface, as well as to prolong the lifespan of your mattress.

In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into how to clean a memory foam mattress. From pre-cleaning preparations to spot-cleaning stains and removing odours, we’ll cover everything you need to know to keep your memory foam mattress in top condition.

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What Is Memory Foam And How Does It Work?

Memory foam’s unique shape-conforming properties are due to the material it is made from – viscoelastic polyurethane foam. This foam responds to heat and pressure and is able to change shape to provide support and comfort to the body of the sleeper. This quality is what makes these mattresses so popular.

When it comes to cleaning a memory foam mattress, it’s important to understand that memory foam is more sensitive to moisture and harsh chemicals than traditional mattresses. You need to be very careful not to damage the mattress by using the wrong cleaning methods or equipment. Memory foam mattresses are also more susceptible to trapping dust, dirt, sweat and skin cells. That can lead to bad odours and lower-quality sleep. To combat this, regular cleaning is absolutely essential.

memory foam effect from hand

What Are The Necessary Preparations For Pre-Cleaning?

Don’t just rush into scrubbing down your bed with some spray you found in your closet. Trust us, a few preparations will go a long way to making your efforts more effective. Start by removing all the bedding and bed linens to get full access to the surface of your mattress. You can machine wash all of this to get it completely clean.

If you have one, remove your memory foam mattress topper, mattress protector, or memory foam mattress cover. When removing your pillows, you may consider throwing them in the washing machine to get them cleaned. However, if you have memory foam pillows, the force of a washing machine can break up the foam and ruin your pillows. That’s right. Memory foam cannot be machine-washed. Rather, just place the pillows aside and use the same methods we discuss in this guide on the pillows after you clean the mattress.

With your mattress completely exposed, go ahead and properly ventilate the room. If the weather permits, go ahead and open up any windows near the bed and get fresh air into the room. Ideally, you will have a well-ventilated room. While you’re here, you should also clean up the rest of the room so that you have a nice, clean workspace.

Finally, you should prepare to clean a memory foam mattress by giving it an examination. Try to find specific spot stains or soiling on the mattress and make a mental note of anything you find. Now, you’re ready to start cleaning!

How Should You Use Gentle Vacuuming On Memory Foam?

Most professionals recommend cleaning your memory foam mattress by vacuuming it. However, you should use a soft brush attachment to gently vacuum up any loose dirt, dust or debris that may be locked in the mattress. You may even use a special mattress attachment. These attachments are similar to the standard upholstery attachment but are somewhat smaller and are specifically designed for cleaning mattresses. If you don’t have one of these, feel free to just use a brush-end or an upholstery attachment.

Pay special attention to seams and crevices where dust mites and dead skin cells can get locked in. As you do this cleaning, make sure to minimise the amount of pressure you place on the bed to maintain the integrity of the memory foam.

Ultimately, you should try to vacuum regularly to prevent dirt and debris from building up over time. If you get too far behind, it can become harder and more time-consuming to actually get your mattress clean. Aim to vacuum your mattress at least once a month or more frequently if you have pets or suffer from allergies. By following these tips, you can keep your memory foam mattress clean and fresh for years to come.

vacuuming of a mattress

What Is The Process For Spot Cleaning Stains?

You can’t machine-wash or power-wash your entire memory foam mattress. So, you need to take a spot-cleaning approach to achieve a fully clean memory foam mattress. Before applying any chemicals, check to see what your mattress manufacturer recommends to remove stains. Sometimes, they may even provide some care instructions you can follow to help keep your mattress clean and create a more healthy sleeping environment. In many cases, you can clean both your mattresses and your mattress toppers with nothing but a clean cloth and some natural products you may already have in your home.

Simply take a few drops of a gentle laundry detergent and some warm water and mix them until the mild detergent is completely dissolved. Then, dip a cloth or sponge into the warm, soapy water and gently blot the stained area of the mattress. This solution also works as an excellent mattress cover cleaning solution. Be sure not to rub the stain, as that can cause it to spread. After blotting, use a clean, damp cloth to rinse the area. Finally, blot the area with a dry towel to remove any excess liquid. In addition to laundry detergent, you can also sprinkle baking soda or use a mixture of half white vinegar and half water.

Another spot-cleaning method to remove stains is to use a mixture of baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, and dishwashing liquid. Combine these ingredients and put them all into a spray bottle. Then, lightly spray the mixture onto the stain and follow the same steps we outlined above. In general, different types of stains require different mixtures. You can get rid of coffee, tea, or juice stains using the vinegar combination. Baking soda and water works great for grease or oil-based stains. Hydrogen peroxide excels at removing wine stains. If you know what made the stain you are trying to remove, do a quick online search to find what mixture would work best.

There are a few common mistakes to avoid when dealing with stains:

  • Using too much lukewarm water: Too much water can damage the mattress and make it more difficult to air-dry
  • Rubbing instead of blotting: Don’t spread the stain or push it deeper into the memory foam layer!
  • Using harsh chemicals: The wrong chemicals can damage your mattress and leave behind strong odours that can be difficult to remove. This is because these mattresses absorb moisture. Instead, just use a gentle detergent.
  • Not testing the cleaning solution first: As with cleaning any furniture, you should always test a cleaning solution in a small, inconspicuous area of your mattress to make sure it won’t cause any damage or discolouration.
  • Not allowing enough time for the mattress to completely dry: It’s important to ensure your mattress is completely dry before covering it up – you don’t want any mould or mildew growth under the bed sheets! Be sure to wait a few hours before replacing your mattress protectors and sheets.
products DIY spot cleaning of mattress stains

How Do You Remove Odors From A Memory Foam Mattress?

For a truly deep clean of your mattress, you also need to focus on removing odours from your mattress. Over time, odours can sink down into the foam filling inside your mattress, causing pesky smells. The way to remove these odours is simple.

Just sprinkle baking soda all over your entire mattress. Then, let this baking soda sit on the mattress overnight. In the morning, take out your trusty vacuum cleaner with your soft brush attachment and remove all that baking soda. Then, let your mattress continue to air out for a few hours to remove any residual odours.

When Do You Need A Professional Cleaning Service For Your Mattress?

While regular cleaning and maintenance can help you keep your mattress clean, sometimes you may need to call in professionals for a deep clean. Professional mattress cleaners use specialised equipment and cleaning solutions to remove deep-seated stains and odours. They are also able to effectively remove dust mites, allergens and other microorganisms that may be lurking in your mattress.

If your mattress is on the older side or is heavily stained, professional cleaning services are absolutely essential. They can come in and help you prolong the lifespan of your mattress and improve the overall quality of your sleep. Because these services are often far cheaper than purchasing a whole new mattress, hiring a professional cleaning team really is a no-brainer.

The general recommendation is to have your mattress professionally cleaned at least once a year or more frequently if you have pets or suffer from allergies.

Mattress Steam Cleaning Technician London

What Are The Best Ways To Protect Your Memory Foam Mattress?

One of the best ways to protect your memory foam mattress is to use a mattress protector. A removable cover acts as a barrier against spills, stains, and even dust mites, ensuring that your mattress status clean and hygienic for longer. Additionally, Scotchgard can be used to further protect your mattress against spills and stains. This water and stain-repellent product can be easily sprayed onto your mattress for extra protection. Be sure to rotate and flip your mattress regularly to ensure even wearing across the entire mattress. This can help prevent sagging in certain areas.

Finally, you need to know when to replace your memory foam mattress. Typically, these mattresses last around 8-10 years with proper care. If you notice sagging or uneven wear, it may be time to consider purchasing a new one.

ways to protect your mattress against stains

Wrapping It Up

Memory foam mattresses are popular due to their comfort and support, but they do require regular cleaning and care to maintain their hygiene and lifespan. Memory foam is sensitive to moisture and harsh chemicals, and it can trap dust, dirt, sweat, and skin cells, leading to bad odours and lower-quality sleep. Preparing for cleaning involves removing bedding and bed linens, machine washing them, and ventilating the room. Gentle vacuuming with a soft brush attachment is the recommended cleaning method, paying special attention to seams and crevices. For spot-cleaning stains, use a mild detergent and warm water, blotting gently without rubbing. When all else fails, it may be time to hire a professional mattress cleaning service.