From the day we're born, we do one thing 24/7, and that's breathing. All that time spent consuming air has given us sensitivity to unusual smells. That's why it's very irritating to the nose whenever you sense a funky odour. Learn which smells are the worst, and how to get rid of them by reading below.

How to eliminate offensive odor from the carpet

What is the best way to remove cat urine smell from your carpet?

Everyone who has a pet at home, especially a cat, would agree that their urine stench is absolutely putrid. The extremely sharp and haunting smell can persist for a long time, especially if it was not cleaned. While female cats rarely urinate on your favourite carpet, in the male specimens territorial behaviour is observed. This can make them mark it with their urine, as for them, it is their carpet, not yours.

Regrettably, urine stains from pets on carpets are rather typical issues, especially when potty training begins. Additionally, a cat which has peed in one area is highly likely to do it again unless trained otherwise. And due to the enzymes in the urine, all manner of germs are attracted to the stains.

As soon as the stain is present on the carpet, it must quickly be cleaned. The sooner the stain is dealt with, the higher your chance of also removing the smell. If you let it dry completely, the odds of the carpet odour pestering you for weeks are high.

And if the issue happened during winter, you are very unlucky. The room will need to be well ventilated for the smell to go away during the cleaning. As it is winter, it will be very cold outside, and you may need to use a different room during this time.

To deal with pet urine smells, professional carpet cleaners use a special type of solution called Urine Neutraliser. It chemically reacts with the ammonia contained in urine, neutralising its effects. This in turn greatly reduces the smell and eases its removal process. If used on a still damp urine accident, it may prevent the stain altogether.

However, we'd understand if you didn't have one of those products lying around your house. What you definitely have at home is white vinegar, which also has a neutralising effect for acidic spills. Blot the initial spillage, then use a spray bottle to apply diluted white vinegar on the source of unpleasant smell. Afterwards, leave the windows wide open, and repeat the process if needed.

If you don’t have a pet but still need effective carpet cleaning tips for dealing with bad odours, keep reading below.

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carpet odors

How do you keep your room smelling clean?

The carpets are usually prone to absorbing most odours (and a lot of dust). They tend to soak up unpleasant smells, and those then permeate the room until dealt with. If you have carpeted flooring, there is a risk that sooner or later a specific odour will appear in the rooms.

However, as for most other problems, the best solution is often the most simple one. Before you reach for cleaning products or buy a carpet steamer, open the windows first. Proper airflow in a room goes a long way in lessening or removing smells over time.

With the right amount of fresh air, mildew smells will never be a problem for your carpets. That's because mould, as a living organism, thrives in a humid environment with stale air. If you open the windows for a few minutes per day, the spores will bother you no more.

What you should also invest in is an air purifier, with a HEPA or HVAC filter. Especially useful for allergy sufferers, these devices capture allergens before they can get to you. Pet dander, mould spores and other harmful elements will never infect your lungs again.

Will essential oils help remove carpet smells?

Of course, air circulation cannot do all the heavy lifting on its own. That's where the essential oils come in, each helpful in their own way. Let's look at some of the most popular ones:

Lavender is one of the most used essential oils due to several reasons. Firstly, its pleasant smell makes even untidy rooms a bit more bearable to stay in. Second, it is great at disinfection, and can also be used to repel dust mites and mosquitoes.

Lemon is just as good as lavender at disinfection, and even better at dealing with bad odours. The lemon essential oil is particularly good at dealing with acidic smell sources, such as urine stains. Both oils mentioned so far are perfectly suitable to clean upholstery when diluted.

Grapefruit is an alternative to lemon, though it is not that good at disinfecting your carpets. However, it will get the job done in low traffic areas without becoming invasive. Therefore, it is best used for your bedroom carpets, where you will hardly notice the aroma.

Here's how to use essential oils to remove carpet smells:

in a cup of lukewarm water, mix 10 to 15 drops of your favourite essential oil and stir for a few minutes. Using a soft bristled brush, apply the mixture onto the source of the bad smell. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then blot and rinse with cold water, then let dry.

Natural products

Is hydrogen peroxide a deodoriser?

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to remove carpet smells with relative ease. It is a natural disinfectant, and packs a heavy punch for its otherwise low price. It is best suited to dealing with natural odours, such as fish, milk or blood.

However, be very careful, as hydrogen peroxide is not suitable for all carpet colours. This is due to the bleaching properties of the chemical mixture, even when diluted. It is best used on white or very bright carpet fibres, and not on black or otherwise dark carpets.

How it actually works to clean is the oxidising effect, which is the oxygen molecules busting down the dirt. If mixed with baking soda, it will be more mild, and still do a great job. Always remember to rinse it out of your carpets after it has done its cleaning work.

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How to remove odours from carpets with baking soda?

Baking soda is a wonderful problem solver for when you can't be bothered. It is also very cheap, meaning you get a lot of value for money. And the best part is, it does all the work on its own. Simply apply it on the problem areas, let it sit, and then take it out of the fibres.

Baking soda is removed from the carpet very easily with a standard vacuum cleaner. It absorbs everything, from spills to smells, and is fine to use on all types of soft flooring. Whether your carpet is natural or artificial, you can't go wrong with baking soda.

Moreover, baking soda has other advantages when cleaning. It will help you to clean the carpet much better because it does not allow the fibre to be thickened. Small lint, hair and the like also will be cleaned easier than usual if you use baking soda.

Another advantage of cleaning with baking soda is that it will not damage the carpet. It is quite safe to clean soft floor coverings with baking soda once every two months. This will help you keep your carpet in top condition.

But baking soda is not a universal solution to all carpet issues, believe it or not. If you had a party, and now the carpet stinks of vomit and the like, the soda won't do much. You're better off calling in the deep cleaning experts for specific carpet-related issues.

To sum up, there are various reasons for bad smells of your carpeted flooring. However, with our carpet cleaning tips, you will get rid of offensive odour easily and without the use of toxic detergents. Baking soda has various applications, and you can use it not only for carpet maintenance but also for improving the look of your kitchen appliances. We hope we have been helpful to you in the fight against bad odours.